Topics in E Theory Seminar

The following is the current plan, and subject to change.
  1. Feb 5th,12th: Power Operations and Strickland's Theorem, Anish Chedalavada
  2. Feb 19th: An Introduction to HKR Character Theory, Nooria Ahmed
  3. Feb 26th: TBA, Rok Gregoric
  4. March 4th: An Introduction to Transchromatic Characters, Akira Tominaga
  5. March 11th: The Proof of Strickland's Theorem, Naruki Masuda
  6. March 25th: Twisted Character Maps , Tomas Mejia Gomez.
  7. April 1st, 8th, 15th: Rigid-analytic geometry and the period map, David + Anish + Milton
  8. April 22nd: Tempered Everything , Akira